Yoga & Meditation

Yoga & Meditation

SIF Jharkhand Spirituality

What is Spirituality?

In short, Spirituality is connecting to oneself and Almighty God for a better quality of life. Relationship issues are quite complex and many times it’s very difficult to resolve leading to trauma and even to deaths. However, life is a gift of God that must be appreciated under any adverse circumstances and Spirituality helps in understanding it from a wider perspective thereby managing suffering in a better way. In a broader sense, sufferings should be taken positively to learn and grow for purification of mind and soul.


  1. Helps in overcoming/handling distress situations for e.g. Depression
  2. Generates clarity of thought, positive energy and peace of mind which are essential while fighting false court cases
  3. Better balance between Mind and Body
  4. Looking at the problems from different perspective thereby helping in overcoming hurdles
  5. Can lead to better relationship by keeping patience, practicing forgiveness etc.
  6. Getting rid of bad addictions like drinking liquor etc.


  1. Yoga- Breathing exercises including Pranayams: Anulom – Vilom, Kapalbharati, Bhasrika,Ujjayi. Suryanamaskar and Yognidra.
  2. Physical exercise – Stretching, Brisk Walking, Jogging, Cycling, Swimming
  3. Meditations
  4. Generate positive thoughts and remove negativity through introspection, reading books etc.
  5. Connecting to God by offering prayers, chanting, etc.
  6. Healthy food for healthy mind

Few Recommendations:

Books: Man’s Search for Meaning, The Secret, The Power of Positive Thinking
Courses: Art of Living (AOL), Pranic Healing, Brahmakumari, Yogada Satsang
Society of India, Ramakrishna Mission
Following Spiritual Gurus: Baba Ramdev, Sri Sadhguru, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,
Swami Vivekananda
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