Organisation History

SIF – Jharkhand fight against injustice started way back in year 2009, when legal system was clearly biased toward women. Members went through very tough time and even had to hide in order to avoid arrest due to false complain. Moreover, information was less available and society used to see them as culprits. Initially faced challenges related to proper legal advice, emotional support, fear of losing job, loss of respect within society, separation from child, deprivation from money etc. and all this due to insensitivity of law towards Men. 

SIF Jharkhand Certificate

Starting from handful of members now it has grown to more than 500+ members which includes members from almost facets of society – doctors , engineers , CAs, businessman , laborers etc. Here we share our experiences, learn from other’s experiences which helps in understanding the problem from legal perspective and taking right course of action rather than succumb to unreasonable demands. Many times the situation for Men are pathetic and are looked upon as criminals and even close ones refuse to understand and extend help. The organization has helped many victims by providing the platform where members can openly discuss the issues and seek proper guidance.

Our ideology is not in any way directed against women since when false cases are filed it’s not only husbands but other members of the family including women’s are also looped. We have been fighting against injustice since several years and urge the responsible citizens to come forward , think and take action by joining in our mission.

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