

Creativity is a strong parameter which helps you transcend the delimitation of the mind. It helps you to energize your body and mind in a holistic manner. When we look at the creativity, it is not just the expression of your creative outlet, it is also the expression and a wonderful tool to detoxify your mind, your body at a deepest level possible. How we can do that? There are various ways, so it is very important to look at it, as a very important activity. Yeah, we must see what it was, when as a child. What was the key activities that we were connecting to? and it is also important to see, what were the other hobbies at the pastimes, and then we have developed in our grown-up age.

There are the two ways, which will help us to connect with the creativity. The one we talk about creativity is the “inherent creativity”, and the other one is the “acquired creativity”. It is very important to pay equal attention to these two. When we talk about the inherent creativity, we will have to look at the childhood time. What was it? What were the activities we liked? so it could be connecting going out in a nature. It could be playing with the animals. It could be having the preferred food; these are the different ways of discovering our old connection and then reviving it. And there is a science which validates that, when we look at, when we go back to these activities a way it helps in generating the neurons, which activate the brain and when our brain is energized, it will be able to perform optimally. And it is also a given effect that when the brain is optimized, then it sends a very clear message to the key organs. So, when we have the food, liver starts its biliary functions, pancreas will secrete the pancreatic juices and it will be optimal only when it is properly rested when it receives the message in the form of parasympathetic gland activation, a parasympathetic nerve activation and it will be optimal when we give the sufficient creative a boost. This is, we are talking about the inherent quality creativity, and now there is another trait, which is the acquired or trade. It is, when we started learning music, when we started learning drawing, when we start doing the creative art forms of expression, like category or classical dance, classical music. These are the acquired learning, which also helps in facilitating expressing the creativity. These are two dimensions, one is inherent, and the other one is acquired. Once we are able to do this, we do with these two forms available, be able to optimize our benefit from the creativity. We would also love to hear. What is your understanding of creativity? And we will also encourage you to share your views and publish here, different forms of creativity. Hello…

Yes, it is also important to understand the benefit of creative, many of the constructive manifestation of the creativity and the non-utilization of creativity, when we are not able to manifest our creativity in before, way in a directed or guided manner. Then what happens is, we become destructive. So, it is very important for people to go back to their roots and start strengthening, their roots. Otherwise what will happen is they will nurture unknowingly their inner critic. So, when we are not properly rested, when we are not able to express ourselves to properly in a very constructive manner, then we will become a very destructive.  It is important to understand our different aspects in everyone here in person, there is inner critic and an inner child. So, when we are not giving proper food to our inner child, then our inner critic will take hold of us. So, and that is why it is very important to nurture our inner child now. It is also important to look at it from the Yoga-Nidra perspective. When we talk about yogic perspective, in this age of Kali-Yuga. It is said that, there was demons, the god and the evils, and virtuous both reside inside the human. So, it is very important to nurture the days it was, by boosting our creativity. Otherwise, what will happen is, we will end up nurturing the demons and this is the root cause of the social conflict in the family problems or family discord in our society. If you find any discomfort discord in or disharmony in the family, you need to convey this to the concerned person that you need to focus on the creativity. Otherwise, you will not get benefitted and you will end up troubling creating for the others. It is very important to convey the message across people and the society; we know who are close to us.


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